Procurement Strategy Consultants
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Our Services as a Strategic Sourcing Consulting Company

 forsitis is a Spanish procurement consulting firm specialized in Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain. We help to drive Procurement towards the Strategic function of the company. As a Procurement Consultants, we are experts in Sourcing and Supply Chain Management (SCM).

As a consultancy we provide procurement advisory services and implementation on:

BI Spend Management and Analytics

We help companies by identifying expense categories, their volume, number of suppliers and perform an evaluation of their possible optimization.

Spend Analytics is essential to make decisions aligned with our strategy.

Digitalization with Software Partners

Technology is key to be efficient in all tasks related to procurement. As Sourcing experts, we apply technological tools within the purchasing function to eliminate routine or repetitive tasks that provide little or no value. These actions free buyers to focus on core tasks or those of greater value to the company.

Optimization and cost savings

An efficient Procurement process guarantees the company savings in time and money, which we can devote to other activities of the company.

At Forsitis we carry out purchasing efficiency projects, optimizing supplier volume, negotiating better prices and contract conditions. We are experts on optimizing indirect costs.

Buyer Training

We carry out training programs for both newly created teams and buyers with previous experience. The way of purchasing, strategies, technology and methodology is evolving, so we share our experience and knowledge with our clients to help them improve all their processes.

Supply Chain Consulting

We start by identifying risks and defining strategies to avoid them by data analitycs and Supply Chain Management. Providing supply chain consulting services we want to optimize procurement function to be part of the global strategy of the company.

Inventory Management

We help companies to manage, optimize and control their inventory stock. From counting to digitalization or software implementation with an efficient and sustainable methodology that improves Supply Chain.

New purchasing strategies

We implement methodology and new ways of acting in Procurement, in the most efficient and sustainable way over time.

Supplier Homologation

We help to homologate suppliers, both current and potential, to reduce risk and assess their adaptability to our company and business model. By negotiation with suppliers and implementing a procurement strategy we focused on preventing risks and securing sourcing.

Procurement BPO Consultants

We support our clients as an external purchasing team. We outsource both small projects and the integral function of the department.

We are specialists in many projects from logistics, maintenance, security, packaging, furniture, office supplies…

A Sourcing Consulting

We are a realistic, operative and flexible procurement consultancy that adapts to all types of companies and sectors to always achieve the best results.

We do not sell unattainable or unsustainable projects in the long term. We always apply our common sense to be efficient and drive the Procurement area towards a strategic function within the company.

Consultoria de compras
Logo Forsitis - Consultoria en la función de abastecimiento

¿What is a Procurement Consulting?

A Sourcing or Procurement consultancy is a great external ally that helps to optimize all categories of spending within your company. Implementing efficient and sustainable methodology over time. A company like forsitis combines purchasing consulting services, with technology and a wide experience in the sector, to drive its clients towards the achievement of objectives.

The Know How acquired through experience in various clients and sectors gives purchasing professionals a global vision of the company. This vision allows the application of Benchmarking to achieve the best results.


It is logical to think that in order to obtain higher profits in our company we must be able to increase our income and therefore sell more. The truth is that optimizing our purchases, being more efficient and reducing costs allows us to obtain faster results and in most cases at 0 cost.
When we talk about reducing costs, we are referring to applying efficiency and buying those goods or services that our company needs for its correct and optimal operation. Buying better implies knowing our needs well and looking for alternatives that adapt to what our business model demands.

Ahorrar costes
Logo Forsitis - Consultoria en la función de abastecimiento


The role of Sourcing and Procurement in the company has evolved to become a key pillar in today’s organizations. A department that must be clearly linked to the company’s strategy in order to mitigate risks, create competitive advantages and grow as a company.
More and more organizations are focusing on procurement in the same way as they do on the sales function. Particularly in seasons when sales are slowing or it is difficult to continue to grow in volume, costs become very important as a key factor in increasing the company’s profits


It is logical to think that in order to obtain higher profits in our company we must be able to increase our income and therefore sell more. The truth is that optimizing our purchases, being more efficient and reducing costs allows us to obtain faster results and in most cases at 0 cost.
When we talk about reducing costs, we are referring to applying efficiency and buying those goods or services that our company needs for its correct and optimal operation. Buying better implies knowing our needs well and looking for alternatives that adapt to what our business model demands.

When you do not have the means, resources or time to execute this type of project, the best solution is to outsource to an expert team. In this case to a purchasing consultancy. The experience, know-how and benchmarking provided by a Sourcing consultancy are differential factors, which in many cases represent a competitive advantage over our competitors.

A company specialized in purchasing enhances cost savings and optimization. Making your organization much more efficient and controlled. Saving on costs means spending less and having greater liquidity. This cash directly impacts EBITDA.

The experience of an expert buyer contacting and negotiating with suppliers is a differential factor when it comes to finding the best offers. Offers adapted to our needs and budget. Finding the best offers for our business tends to mean, on the one hand, money savings and on the other hand, better conditions for our company.

La importancia de apoyarse en una consultora de compras